Sayo EP

Dandara  - Sayo EP

16.09.2022 / BK028

After Dandara was already featured on the '5 Jahre Bunte Kuh' compilation, he now presents his first EP on Bunte Kuh.

The EP ‚Sayo' comes with four original tracks. Olivan and Chakib Bouzidi have contributed to one track each.

The title track 'Sayo' is characterized by soft beats and light sounds.

It captivates with guitar and vocals.

'Home Again' has a driving effect, clear sounds and invites you to move to the beats.

'About You' - Opens a dark abyss with churning bass and elegant beats. Makes you want to sink into this track.

'Miracle Cure' - With light, buzzing sounds and clear beats this track conjures up a wonderful lightness. 


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Dandara Olivan




Bunte Kuh

Letzte Änderung: 18.01.2023 21:27 [EBNID:1725 | 245 Aufrufe]

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