Losing Your Mind

RMNY, Keisa - Losing Your Mind

23.06.2023 / ABR104

There are always releases on Amber Blue Recordings that stand out from the crowd and are considered contemporary and on point. Catalogue number 104 is an excellent example of this.

The EP "Losing Your Mind" by RMNY x Keisa is a real banger. The contemporary sounds, perfectly arranged beats, top-notch vocals and acid elements guarantee a perfect party night. The up-and-coming Brazilian artist RMNY has been attracting attention on various labels worldwide in recent months and is now celebrating a great debut on Amber Blue Recordings with Keisa.

It's hard to put this release into words as it's just so great. It will definitely help grow RMNY x Keisa's fan base and definitely build anticipation for future music.

We warmly welcome RMNY x Keisa to the Amber Family.


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Letzte Änderung: 05.07.2023 14:35 [EBNID:2888 | 127 Aufrufe]

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